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Intentions app :D

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Intentions app :D Empty Intentions app :D

Post  Intention Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:49 pm

What is the GMs role in the game?- The role of GM is an important one they regulate and keep the game under control and help the players when needed. Without the GM's the game would be in more or less of a chaotic state and would be out of control most of the time.

In-Game Name -Intention

Byond Key -ColdHeartedOne

Time Zone-GMT-05 Eastern Time US & Canada

How long Have you been playing on byond?- About 2 years or so I first found it whenmy brother was looking for a game and it showed up

Experience -Dark apocolypse- Shadow, Xicer, gm lvl-10,8,7,6,5,3,4(yes I know, but everyone has to start somewhere)
DBZ Ultimate Alliance-JJ-Gm rank 3
DBZ Warriors Within-ryuzaki-Gm level 2
DB Sanctuary-Level 1(main server)

Explain how you work - I am more of a relaxed kind of guy that likes to have fun a lot and talk, but if it comes down to it I will do whatever I have to do. If I have to punish a friend that is the cost. Regardless I will do my work and respect the higher ups but I also won't disrespect players when it comes to it.

Why do you want to be a GM?- I feel i could help out the game in some ways and help the players out, Besides I'm on at times when others aren't and it can be irritating when one needs help and there is no one around

Have you ever abused? If yes, why and what did you do?-No I have never abused because 1) I've never had the need to and 2) whats the point of becoming a gm if one is just going to abuse?

Can you be serious when the situation requires it?- Of course like i said before, the GM position comes before everything else.

Are you active? If yes, how long do you play and what days?-Since school I will mainly be active during weekends but sometimes in the morning or late at night

Will you tell us if your going to leave for awhile?-Yes, It's important for everyone to be well informed in case something comes up later on and needs attention.

How can we contact you for further information?-Contact my msn at is my main email you can contact me here aswell) or message me via pager and or in game


Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-09-18

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